Lernidee Contacts

Marco Lorenz

Marco Lorenz

Deputy General Manager & Sales Director

Austria, Brazil, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Turkey

+49 30 78 60 00 38
Mo-Fr 9:00-18:00 CET

Carolin Garten

Carolin Garten

International Sales Manager

Europe (Western, Central and Eastern), Israel, South Africa

+49 30 78 60 00 37
Mo-Fr 9:00-18:00 CET

Verena Keller-Istwany

Verena Keller-Istwany

International Senior Sales Manager

Scandinavia, Netherlands, Asia, Australia, USA, Canada

+49 30 78 60 00 86
Mo-Fr 9:00-18:00 CET

Contact for Rest of World

Lernidee Trains & Cruises

+49 30786 00 00

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